2. Governmental entities that serve seniors will be invited to be “Advisory Members” of the OCASC (thereby alleviating issues for those entities with supporting policy statements, etc). Governmental members will have a voice, but not a vote, on the collaborative.
3. Prospective members will contact Jocelyn Rubio, jocelyn.rubio@alzoc.org. The candidate agency will then send a guest to an OCASC meeting. After attending one meeting the candidate agency will submit a membership application, which will be reviewed by the Membership Committee and subsequently forwarded to the full membership for a vote. A 2/3 majority is required for membership approval.
4. Email voting for membership is accepted. An email request for vote will be sent, with a deadline of no less than two weeks for response. No response will be considered a “yes” vote.
5. Members that do not attend six consecutive meetings will be considered inactive and removed from the membership roles. A new application will be required for those members to be reinstated.
6. Each full member agency will receive one vote. Advisory members will have a voice, but no vote.